sábado, 25 de junho de 2016

sábado, 2 de maio de 2015

whatsapp on Fedora 21


This instructions are for Fedora 21
  1. Execute command as root in the terminal.
    yum-config-manager --add-repo=https://copr.fedoraproject.org/coprs/davidgf/whatsapp-purple/repo/fedora-21/davidgf-whatsapp-purple-fedora-21.repo
  2. Now...you can install the package, as root:
    yum install whatsapp-purple


sexta-feira, 24 de abril de 2015

Fedora 21 " Pentest " and plugins total - total Fedora Power -

Para rodar teu Fedora 21 "Pentest" ou não...ai vai uma linha de comandos para rodar no terminal...
então vai...
...abre o teu terminal...e seja root...okay!...e siga as instruções do terminal...
...seja feliz com Fedora 21 " Pentest " ou não....total power.

...com os devidos repositórios no lugar..

 rpm --import "http://rpmfusion.org/keys?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=RPM-GPG-KEY-rpmfusion-nonfree-fedora-21"

yum install http://download1.rpmfusion.org/free/fedora/rpmfusion-free-release-$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm

yum install http://download1.rpmfusion.org/nonfree/fedora/rpmfusion-nonfree-release-$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm

agora ...

 sudo yum makecache

 sudo yum update
 sudo yum check-update 

sudo yum localinstall --nogpgcheck http://download1.rpmfusion.org/free/fedora/rpmfusion-free-release-$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm http://download1.rpmfusion.org/nonfree/fedora/rpmfusion-nonfree-release-$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm -y
yum install gstreamer-plugins-bad gstreamer-plugins-bad-free-extras gstreamer-plugins-bad-nonfree gstreamer-plugins-ugly gstreamer-ffmpeg
yum install gstreamer1-libav gstreamer1-plugins-bad-free-extras gstreamer1-plugins-bad-freeworld gstreamer1-plugins-base-tools updates gstreamer1-plugins-good-extras gstreamer1-plugins-ugly gstreamer1-plugins-bad-free gstreamer1-plugins-good gstreamer1-plugins-base gstreamer1
su -c "curl https://satya164.github.io/fedy/fedy-installer -o fedy-installer && chmod +x fedy-installer && ./fedy-installer"
PS:Isto vai facilitar a vida um pouco...
sudo yum install -y gnome-tweak-tool dconf-editor yumex p7zip-plugins unrar

...gosta de Flash...
no próximo tema tem Flash...

domingo, 10 de novembro de 2013


 install WINE 
 download - http://slackware.org.uk/slacky/slackware-14.0/system/wine/1.7.4/
on terminal ( root ) 
upgradepkg --install-new *.t?z
slackpkg upgrade-all

on search no KDE - ( find software )
- wine ron 
-  * wine configuration *  ( this )
install wine and update in software WINE.
Good look enjoy! 

quarta-feira, 10 de outubro de 2012

Help needed with Flex Design Tablet (Driver issue?)

I don't recognize that tablet. Is it a new product from Trust? Is it bluetooth or usb?

Let's find out if the system sees it. Enter in a terminal:

xinput list
and post the output. Also try:

xinput list-props "WALTOP Tablet"
Section "InputClass"
 Identifier "Wacom class"
# WALTOP needs a patched kernel driver, that isn't in mainline lk yet,
# so for now just let it fall through and be picked up by evdev instead.
# MatchProduct "Wacom|WALTOP|WACOM"
 MatchProduct "Wacom|WACOM|Hanwang"
 MatchDevicePath "/dev/input/event*"
 Driver "wacom"
and post the tablet line if it shows up.

or not work...

gksudo gedit /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-wacom.conf


Then restart. You can use:

xinput list-props "10"
log out root... 
See you guys...

segunda-feira, 17 de setembro de 2012

Installation Error, “Unable to lock the administration directory”

 Installation Error, “Unable to lock the administration directory”

Remove your /var/lib/dpkg/lock file and force package reconfiguration.

use the terminal =  (ctrl+alt+ "T")  this open the your terminal.

sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock
sudo dpkg --configure -a

This will happen if you have 'Update Manager' running in parallel for any update check or install as install process places Lock. If you're facing the same error without 'Update Manager' running you have to remove it from /var/lib/dgkg/lock, which definitely you can't do it manually

use the terminal =  (ctrl+alt+ "T")  this open the your terminal.

sudo fuser -cuk /var/lib/dpkg/lock
sudo rm -f /var/lib/dpkg/lock
sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade  
Later fix this inside the your terminal, tray again , it's work. 
enjoy...See You 

segunda-feira, 23 de janeiro de 2012

Upgrade to Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install update-manager-core
sudo vi /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades
Press I on your keyboard, then change the value of the Prompt to ‘normal’, then press the Esc key.  To save the file, type this: colon, w, q (:wq).
sudo do-release-upgrade -d
Type ‘Y’ to continue with the upgrade.

You may have to restart your computer.
