quarta-feira, 10 de outubro de 2012

Help needed with Flex Design Tablet (Driver issue?)

I don't recognize that tablet. Is it a new product from Trust? Is it bluetooth or usb?

Let's find out if the system sees it. Enter in a terminal:

xinput list
and post the output. Also try:

xinput list-props "WALTOP Tablet"
Section "InputClass"
 Identifier "Wacom class"
# WALTOP needs a patched kernel driver, that isn't in mainline lk yet,
# so for now just let it fall through and be picked up by evdev instead.
# MatchProduct "Wacom|WALTOP|WACOM"
 MatchProduct "Wacom|WACOM|Hanwang"
 MatchDevicePath "/dev/input/event*"
 Driver "wacom"
and post the tablet line if it shows up.

or not work...

gksudo gedit /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-wacom.conf


Then restart. You can use:

xinput list-props "10"
log out root... 
See you guys...

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